Saturday, May 17, 2008

891 Have you ever had to adjust to the heat?

Katia from Mexico talks about adjusting to hot weather. This video supplements lesson #891 on about Habitat for Humanity.

What about you?

890 What charity would you like to donate to?

In response to the slideshow on elllo, Fred what type of charity he would like to donate time or money to. This video is made in connection with and refers to the Interview #890, where MB talks about Habitat for Humanity.

What do you think?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

885 Have you been to any ruins?

Katia from Mexico talks about visiting ruins. This video supplements lesson #885 on that has Diego from Mexico and Rebecca from Australia comparing things to do in their countries.

What about you?

886 Do you like Mexican food?

Fred from Canada talks about tacos. This video supplements lesson #886 on that has Diego from Mexico and Rebecca from Australia talking about Mexican food.

Do you like mexican food?

887 What industries are strong in your country?

Tea from Vietnam talks about the economy in her country. This video supplements lesson #888 on that has Brian from Canada and Fanny from China talking about the Canadian economy.

What industry is strong in your country?

888 What animal is your national icon?

Fred from Canada talks about an animal that is an icon in his country. This video supplements lesson #888 on that has Brian from Canada and Fanny from China talking about bears.

What animal is a symbol for your country?

889 What is your national sport?

Amir from Iran talks about his national sport. This video supplements lesson #889 on that has Brian from Canada and Fanny from China talking about sports.

What is your national sport?