Sunday, May 11, 2008

886 Do you like Mexican food?

Fred from Canada talks about tacos. This video supplements lesson #886 on that has Diego from Mexico and Rebecca from Australia talking about Mexican food.

Do you like mexican food?


Phong said...

I also love Australia. I remember I came there one time when I was a little. a lot of impressive in my mind when I hear Australia again. I will take a long vacation there in future. hope to see you there. My name is Phong I am also from Vn. Nice to hear you said you like a nice city of Australia.

Unknown said...

Tacos is a very good food and is a fast food in Mexico.I agree with that because you eat fast and tasty.

Anonymous said...

I hate mexican people......!!!!!

jonito258 said...

I prefer to eat pizza... but taco is ok XD

Anonymous said...

I think argentinian´s fast food is better than tacos. If you have to do something in a hurry and you need to eat quickly, it is impossible to have taco as a snack.
I just like argentinian food better.

Anonymous said...

this video is very borring,

Anonymous said...

mexican food is too hot.

Anonymous said...


300 agua fria,
harina 500g comun,
sal 1 cucharadita
manteca 150g.
cebella chica 2,
cilantro 7 ramas ,
chile 1,
palta 2
tomate 2,
carne para bife 1kilo

poner la masa en un bols, con la sal y el agua fria la manteca formar
una masa lisa= como de torta frita. formar bolitas y darle en forma
redonda y fina poner a calentar la plancha, poner manteca un poquito
pasar las tortillas para que se cocinen no tiene que quemarce, tiene
que quedar de color dorado, aparte en un bols picar las verduras
chiquita, la palta cortarla en gajos en un plato, ponerles limon un
chorro y sal.dejar. la carne cortarla en cuadraditos, y cocinarla en
la plancha condimentar sal y pimienta condimento para
carnesponer.Poner en una tortilla un poquito de carne y de verduras
picadas para que quede mas rico colocar un poquito de cremas de leche,
y la palta, cerrar como empanada pero no sellada. disfrutar a comer
tacos mexicanos

Anonymous said...

a taco is a part of a shose?

Anonymous said...

jelou pipoll:)

Anonymous said...

masri you are a jamor

Anonymous said...

A taco (IPA: /ˈtɑːko/) is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a maize or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. The fact that a taco can be filled with practically any meat, fish, shellfish, vegetable, and cheese allows for great versatility and variety. A taco is generally eaten out of hand, without the aid of utensils, and is often accompanied by a garnish such as salsa and vegetables such as cilantro, onion, cabbage, tomato, or lettuce.

Anonymous said...

sorry, but i dont know a good coment.

Anonymous said...

I like the spicy and fast food,specially the mexican food like the tacos.but i prefer the argentinean fast food like breaded beal sanwich.

Anonymous said...

A taco (IPA: /ˈtɑːko/) is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a maize or wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. The fact that a taco can be filled with practically any meat, fish, shellfish, vegetable, and cheese allows for great versatility and variety. A taco is generally eaten out of hand, without the aid of utensils, and is often accompanied by a garnish such as salsa and vegetables such as cilantro, onion, cabbage, tomato, or lettuce.

Alejandra Calzeti & Mariana Deduli said...

Tacos are the most delicius food in Mexico. They are practical and you can make them fast. I love them but I keep thinking that Argentinian food is better than Mexican.

Anonymous said...

comete un taco!

Anonymous said...

comeme el taco

Anonymous said...


I´m from Mexico, and i think that tourist, most of them, haven´t the opportunity to eat the real tradicional mexican food (like mole, enchiladas, tamales, we have a lot kind of sea food,deserts with endemic and tropical fruits etc)
The main of people in the world know only the tacos and its confuse with the TEXMEX food which is really fast-food (snacks)